How to Turn Off Suggested Posts on Instagram

The good news is that Instagram allows you to regain control over your feed by turning off suggested posts. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to achieve that elusive clutter-free feed, and provide insights based on first-hand experience and expertise.

Steps to Turn Off Suggested Posts on Instagram

Ah, the moment you’ve been waiting for. Let’s dive right in and explore how to turn off suggested posts on Instagram.

Suggested posts can be a pesky addition to your Instagram feed. Here’s how to turn them off:

  1. Open the Instagram App: The first step is to open the Instagram app on your device. Make sure you’re logged into the account for which you want to disable suggested posts.
  2. Go to Your Profile: Tap on your profile picture at the bottom right of the screen. This will take you to your profile.
  3. Access Settings: In the upper-right corner of your profile, you’ll find three horizontal lines. Tap on these lines to access the options menu.
  4. Navigate to Settings: Scroll down the options menu, and you’ll see “Settings” at the bottom. Tap on it.
  5. Choose Account: In the Settings menu, select “Account.”
  6. Control Your Suggested Posts: Scroll down, and you’ll find an option called “Suggested Posts.” Here, you can turn them off by toggling the switch.
  7. Confirmation: Instagram will ask for confirmation. Confirm that you want to disable suggested posts.

Why Should You Turn Off Suggested Posts?

It’s essential to understand why you might want to disable suggested posts in the first place. Here are some compelling reasons:

  • Regain Control: Suggested posts disrupt your carefully curated feed. By turning them off, you regain control over what you see on your Instagram feed.
  • Reduce Clutter: Suggested posts add clutter to your feed. Turning them off can lead to a more pleasant and organized browsing experience.
  • Focus on Preferred Content: By eliminating suggested posts, you can focus on the accounts you’ve chosen to follow, ensuring that you see content that genuinely interests you.
  • Privacy: Some users prefer a more private browsing experience and don’t want Instagram to suggest posts based on their activity.

Q: Can I turn off suggested posts for only certain accounts?

As of my last update in September 2021, Instagram allows users to turn off suggested posts for their entire feed, but there isn’t an option to selectively disable suggested posts for specific accounts. In other words, when you turn off suggested posts, it applies to your entire Instagram experience rather than allowing you to customize it for individual accounts.

Instagram’s feature to disable suggested posts is designed to give users more control over the content they see in their feed by reducing clutter and focusing on the accounts they follow. While this feature doesn’t offer account-specific customization, it does provide a way to curate your overall Instagram experience according to your preferences.

Q: Will turning off suggested posts affect the accounts I follow?

No, turning off suggested posts on Instagram will not affect the accounts you follow. When you disable suggested posts, it only impacts the content recommendations made by Instagram based on your activity and interactions. You’ll still see posts and updates from the accounts you actively follow in your feed.

The primary purpose of turning off suggested posts is to reduce clutter in your feed and allow you to focus on the content from the accounts you have intentionally chosen to follow. This feature is designed to provide users with more control over their Instagram experience while keeping the content from their followed accounts intact.

Q: Can I turn suggested posts back on after disabling them?

Yes, you can turn suggested posts back on after disabling them. Instagram provides users with the flexibility to toggle the suggested posts feature on or off according to their preferences.

If you’ve previously disabled suggested posts and later decide that you want to see them again, you can easily re-enable this feature by following the same steps outlined in our guide earlier. This means you have the freedom to experiment with your Instagram feed, allowing you to customize your experience based on your changing interests and preferences.

Q: Do I need to update my Instagram app to access this feature?

As of my last update in September 2021, you typically do not need to update your Instagram app to access the feature that allows you to turn off suggested posts. This feature is usually available in most versions of the Instagram app.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that Instagram regularly updates its app to introduce new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Therefore, it’s always a good practice to keep your Instagram app up to date. Updating your app ensures that you have access to the latest functionalities and enhancements that Instagram may have introduced since my last update.

To check for app updates, you can follow these general steps:

  1. For Android:
    • Open the Google Play Store.
    • Tap the three horizontal lines in the upper-left corner to open the menu.
    • Select “My apps & games.”
    • Look for the Instagram app, and if an update is available, you’ll see an “Update” button next to it.
  2. For iOS (iPhone/iPad):
    • Open the App Store.
    • Tap your profile picture in the top right.
    • Scroll down to the Instagram app, and if an update is available, you’ll see an “Update” button next to it.

Q: Can I report or provide feedback on suggested posts to Instagram?

Yes, you can report or provide feedback on suggested posts to Instagram. Instagram values user feedback as it helps them improve the user experience and ensure that the content shown aligns with their community guidelines. If you come across suggested posts that you find inappropriate, misleading, or in violation of Instagram’s policies, you can report them.

Here’s how you can report or provide feedback on suggested posts:

  1. Tap the Three Dots: When you encounter a suggested post that you wish to report or provide feedback on, tap the three dots (ellipsis) in the upper-right corner of the post.
  2. Select “Report”: A menu will appear with various options. Choose the “Report” option.
  3. Choose a Reason: Instagram will then ask you to select a reason for your report. You can choose from options like “It’s inappropriate,” “It’s spam,” “I don’t like this post,” or “It’s something else.”
  4. Follow On-Screen Prompts: Depending on your choice, Instagram will guide you through the reporting process, which may include providing additional information or details about why you’re reporting the post.
  5. Submit Your Report: Once you’ve provided the necessary information and details, you can submit your report. Instagram’s moderation team will review the report and take appropriate action if the reported post violates their policies.

Q: Are there any other ways to improve my Instagram feed’s content quality?

Absolutely! You can further enhance your Instagram experience by carefully curating the accounts you follow, engaging with content you genuinely enjoy, and using relevant hashtags to discover posts that align with your interests.